Update ~ Albert is Cancer-free!

You might remember Albert’s session from a couple of months ago. To recap, his owner Drene had organised a session with me as he’d been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer, in his front left leg. He’d been given only months to live and on the day of the session he was struggling to get around and quite obviously very unwell.

I’m so happy and amazed to report that just recently when Drene came to pick up her three beautiful canvases, Albert himself came and visited! His leg which was previously about twice it’s usual diameter was back almost to normal size. Albert was so much livelier, trotting around checking out my garden and generally looking very healthy and happy for a 12 year old dog who just a few months ago was struggling to walk!

Anyway, I’ll let Albert himself tell the story…

“Hi everyone, it’s Albert the Lab/Mastiff cross here. As you know I was very sick and was given 6 months to live. I had a really bad tumour (Osteosarcoma). My mum was so upset, she did not want to lose me cause I’m just gorgeous.

Anyway, my mum decided to get Vitamin B17 for me from Mexico. It’s got three names (LAETRILE/AMIGDATIN/B17). The reason she had to get it from Mexico is it’s banned in Australia, which is another story!

My mum got the Vitamin B17 liquid and the vet gave me 9 grams of Vitamin B17 and 10 grams of Vitamin C intravenously for 23 days. My mum also gave me 30 apricot kernels in my food every day.

Mum kept saying, “Albert your tumour is shrinking!” Well, it needed to! It was ten and half inches around at start of treatment, and I could hardly walk, and boy was it painful. Mum gave me painkillers for that.

The good news is my TUMOUR IS GONE, I’m very happy and my mum is over the moon. The vet? Well he can’t believe his eyes. The whole point of this up date on my health is this. If any one out there has a little furry person that has Cancer just e-mail my mum and she will tell you what you have to do, and who to phone, because she wants to help all my mates out there. Mum’s e-mail is drenealbert@gmail.com. Love, Albert.”


Drene and Albert’s beautiful canvases – two 20×30 inch and one 30×30 inch. They will hang with pride in their house with Albert’s leg on display as testament to beating this horrible disease that affects so many pets and those who love them.