I've joined the AIPP!
A huge thank you to all my wonderful clients in 2017! I had my last shoot for the year yesterday and am looking forward to some time off in the coming weeks – it’s been a huge year!
This year was my 10th year of Charlotte Reeves Photography – a business that has been dedicated to specialising in pet photography from the very start.
To celebrate (and because I felt it was high time!) I decided to apply for Accredited Professional Photographer status with the AIPP (Australian Institute of Professional Photography). I submitted a portfolio of images and completed the rigorous application process last week.
I submitted 20 images in total, but here’s my 10 favourites.
Yesterday, much sooner than I thought, I received word that my application had been successful – wow!
So I am now officially an Accredited Professional Photographer – or APP.
Here's what that means to you:
“Accreditation is designed to give you, the consumer, confidence that your Professional Photographer is a proven, experienced, technically capable, professional practitioner, who complies with all legal business requirements, has appropriate insurance and who is willing to agree to the mandatory Code of Professional Practice and to the requirement to continually improve their photographic skills by committing to continue their professional development.”
I’m so grateful to all my clients and everyone who has supported me over the years. Without your wonderful pets to photograph I simply wouldn’t be where I am today.
I look forward to meeting more wonderful pets and their owners in 2018 – in the meantime – have a great holiday break, however you choose to celebrate!