Barklander 2022 - Pet Photography Retreat in Scotland

It's been a bit quiet around here lately, because I've just spent nearly the entire month of May overseas, teaching at Barklander (the latest instalment of our out-of-this-world pet photography retreats) and doing a little 10-day road trip from Edinburgh to London, via Cornwall!

Not much dog photography happened during the road trip BUT I have some favourite images to share with you from the two and a half weeks I spent teaching in Scotland.

Scotland is basically my favourite place in the world and to be able to spend so much time there while also passing on my dog photography skills and knowledge to our attendees, was nothing short of amazing!

My favourite location was the shores of Loch Tay, about ten minutes down the road from the manor house where we stayed. It is just one of the many picturesque lochs in the highlands of Scotland - here's some of the images I captured.

My other favourite location to shoot was in the beautiful Glencoe region. And yes, it rained quite a lot and I actually shot in the rain. Amazing! I love the moody atmospheric portraits possible in this kind of weather.

If you’re interested in joining myself and Craig from Unleashed Education, Nicole from Hair of the Dog Academy and Kaylee & Sam from Dog Breath Photography on our next out-of-this-world dog photography retreat, register your interest at