Client Session ~ Spartacus the Dalmatian / Cattle Dog Mix
Spartacus is an interesting mix of Dalmatian and Cattle Dog and spends his days hanging out at e-CBD, a Gold Coast website design studio, owned and much loved by the bosses, Marilyn and Simon. He’s a pretty special boy with many endearing traits. He has the biggest appetite I’ve seen and is a constant underfoot companion at work lunches around the picnic tables, hassling his favourite suppliers for scraps of roast lamb with a well timed ‘woof’ and a melting look with those big brown eyes.
His toothy grin is a common sight around the place.
He often much prefers the comfort of the plants and bushes which he ‘renovates’ to suit his needs, rather than his bed (but posed in it nicely for me regardless).
His best chameleon impersonation (gotta love those spots and blotches)…
Although this lovely smiley boy is most often friendly and companionable, he does have a serious side. There are signs outside that say ‘Beware of the Dog’ and they aren’t just for show! There are a lot of visitors throughout the day and Spartacus has a finely tuned sixth sense about exactly who it is standing outside the front gate.
If it’s someone he knows or has been here before, he doesn’t even bat an eyelid. But if it’s someone new (or someone he’s decided he doesn’t like!) he barks and carries on like the best of them until his Mum reassures him they are safe. Who needs a Rottweiler or German Shepherd when you have the mighty Spartacus!
Update 2014: Our beloved Spartacus has now gone to the big dog park in the sky, and is greatly missed by his family and all the staff at e-CBD. He’ll always be remembered fondly.